Written and Directed by
Tani Gill

A compelling and original piece of speculative drama, Jupiter’s Ghost is a unique theatrical experience, a pure drama with dance elements. In humanity’s future, the connection between humans and artificial intelligence has gradually blurred into the realm of cybernetic organisms. Do any ghosts of humanity still remain?

The narrative revolves around a father and son. Dr. Elias Crete is locked in a desperate race against time, battling forces behind his control to protect the one thing he holds most dear.

In 1969, J.B.S Haldane was the first person to introduce the idea of human cloning. In his 1963 speech, Biological Possibilities for the Human Species of the Next Ten Thousand Years, he said,’ Assuming cloning is possible, I expect the most clones would be made from people aged fifty, except athletes and dancers, who would be cloned younger’.

Jupiters Ghost draws on themes such as conservation, political morality and space exploration. The costumes have been dyed by artist/lecturer Nabil Ali, using 14th and 16th century dye recipes.

When you look up at the stars tonight, look to the west-south-west, 39 degrees above the horizon. There lies Jupiter, Earth’s stalwart defender against the fury of the asteroid belt. Come and immerse yourself in this tumultuous journey, of love, hope and identity. 

A very special thank you to: Sophie Steemons, script editor; Underdog Studios, set design/visual direction and Marta San Giovanni, costume design.