
Anti Bullying and Harassment Regulations :

Everyone has the right to protection and our anti bullying regulations are based loosely on the BBO dance regulatory system.

These rules apply towards young teens and adults.

We are independent from BBO dance as a non profit company, but are a registered body ®️ under BBODANCE. 

Reported incidents of bullying or harassment will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. 


Bullying is when individuals or groups seek to harm, intimidate or coerce someone who is perceived to be vulnerable 

(Oxford English Dictionary, 2020).

It can involve people of any age, and can happen anywhere – at home, school or using online platforms and technologies 


This means it can happen at any time. Bullying encompasses a range of behaviors which may be combined and may include the behaviors and actions we have set out below.

  1. Verbal Abuse
    • Swearing
    • Name-calling
    • saying nasty things to or about
  2. Physical Abuse
    • Hitting
    • Pushing
    • Physical Assault
  3. Emotional Abuse
    • making threats
    • undermining or belittling 
    • excluding a child or young person from a friendship group or activities.
  4. Harassment
    • Passive aggressive 
    • Violence 
    • Gaslighting 
  5. Cyberbullying/ harassment online:
    • Excluding a person from online games, activities or friendship groups.
    • sending threatening, upsetting or abusive messages.

Action will be taken:

  1. speak to all involved about what happened and what they would like to happen next and act accordingly.
  1. ensure all are supported following their experiences of being bullied, witnessing bullying or carrying out bullying behavior. This applies if any of the parties are not present during rehearsals and classes. Tutors are required to check in on the welfare of all those involved.
  1. Sanctions may be imposed on the person who has carried out the bullying behaviour but these must be appropriate and proportionate.
  2. Teachers must protect the victim and if there is a case where you feel they are being biassed, you must report it to the head of staff.
  3. It is the staff duty to understand why the bully is targeting the victim.
  1. Under no circumstances must the victim regret reporting the incident.  They will be treated fairly and will not be segregated from any of their classes.

A written account of the ongoing monitoring of the situation, in order to ensure it has been successfully resolved.

In rare cases:

TGDC holds the right to expel anyone who appears to refuse to cooperate and stop bullying and harassing their peers.

Our regulations are in place, in order to protect the mental and physical health of all members within the TGDC company.